Home Media


Home Media


by Cinideep Sasikumar

Media/Publishing sector  is  striving at its best to gather  all kinds of news,  and they are in search of means to make it out to people through digital marketing and social media channels. The platforms are plenty and people’s time to focus is less. Media automation  is widely used in the retail commerce areas and is making its forecast it   into the digital publishing world.



AsianGraph is a fast developing online newsportal from Kerala, covering local,Indian and International news for online global audience. AsianGraph has a strong support of talented writers, experienced in their fields. AsianGraph supports and focus on providing effective journalism without having fear or favour. With its immence and growing viewers, we have proven that to become a collective voice that cannot be ignored, having a say in the socioeconomic and political affairs that affect the society as a whole.


Ready Shore


Ready shore explores major tourist destinations and attractions in the world, also listed the category Top of the world includes Top destinations, Beaches, Museums, National Parks, Eco Tourism, Pilgrim Places, Festivals, World Wonders. Ready shore should help you to find the best tourist attractions and travel destinations in the world, and to experience the international and local tourism.You can send your suggestions to us through the feedback link.


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