Competition authorities all over the world monitor competition on markets. They increasingly rely on expert economic assessments of the impact on competition and consumers when scrutinizing activity.

We help our clients to build their best possible economic argument and communicate it to courts and arbitrators. We excel in the analysis of causality and quantitative damage assessment.

Energy and climate policy instruments are important influences on today’s national economies. Climate ambitions are typically pursued using a mix of policy instruments such as taxes and subsidies.

One of the most defining developments in contemporary healthcare is the transition from activity-based to value-based delivery. Currently, many providers are remunerated based on activity.

Stay in control of content across all your channels with our Crystal CMS, our digital signage content management system. With a web-based interface, accessible via secure web portal from any browser, Crystal CMS makes it easier than ever to update and manage display content from anywhere.

International trade and investments are fundamental drivers for economic growth and welfare. Free trade and a level playing field enable companies to optimise their supply chain and improve access.