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Case Studies

Home Case Studies

Case Studies

by Cinideep Sasikumar


We have done a detailed analysis about the way they operated when they were offline. We analysed the requirement by having a discussion with the officials inbound and outbound, it helped us in getting a detailed analysis about the operations of the organisation.

Analyzing the report and Module Identificaion

After the analysis stage we were able to identify the exact requirements AsianGraph needed. We identified the different process and categorized it accordingly. We studied about the additional hardware and software infrastructure needed to develop the portal.

Design Formulation

The next step we presented the study report to our development team for further clarification regarding the automisation process. Our team formulated multiple set of designs and with that we created a prototype with respect to the report.

Identification of Technology

In this stage we identified the technology to be used and the infrastructure needed was re analysed.

Cost Estimation

We analysed the manpower and hardware required  in developing this project and estimated the development cost.

Submission of the Prototype and Cost Factor

We submitted the AsianGraph team  with the prototype developed and the cost involved in developing the project. After final discussion our prototype was accepted.

Commitment Of Completion

We discussed about the time required to deploy the project with our client.

Development Stage

We started developing the original project, without having any delay. Our detailed study helped us a lot in reducing the development time and avoid other risk factors.

Project Deployment

We developed the project in time and within the estimated budget. It was a prestigious moment for us to hand over the completed project(AsianGraph News portal) to our clients

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